Enabling Equal Access to Education,
One Student at a Time.


Student classroom.

Why do I need an interpreter?

Deaf children have the right to participate fully in their education, just like any other student, and having a qualified interpreter in the classroom is the first step in facilitating communication and comprehension. Interpreters can also help bridge the gap between the deaf student and their hearing peers, enabling them to interact and learn together. Additionally, having an interpreter can positively impact the deaf student's academic and social success, as it reduces their feelings of isolation and enhances their overall educational experience.

What Makes Cirrus’ Interpreters Unique?

Cirrus’ interpreters receive specialized training, specifically designed to prepare them for interpreting in educational settings. This training equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary to accurately and efficiently interpret complex subject matter, such as scientific concepts, mathematical equations, and literary texts. Our interpreters work closely with educators to facilitate communication and ensure that students have a comprehensive understanding of the material being presented. By creating an inclusive learning environment, our interpreters help to build a foundation for academic success and personal growth for all students.

Talk To Us.

Let's build a more inclusive world. Together.
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